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A California woman was terminated from FedEx for entering her time card incorrectly.  Although her employer most likely has not violated California Labor Laws, the woman claims that she was wrongfully terminated.  If you have experienced time card manipulation issues contact your California employment law attorney for a confidential consultation.

According to online legal news source, Lawyers and Settlements, California’s Labor Code states that an employment relationship with no specified duration is presumed to be employment “at-will.” In theory, this means that the employer or employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause. But it isn’t black and white. The at-will rule created by statute, the courts or public policy has exceptions. An employer can terminate a worker at will and, as long as it isn’t for the “wrong” reason, they won’t violate the California labor code.

The woman claims that she was fired for “stealing” from the company for entering the wrong information on her time card.  The woman, who began with FedEx in 2006 as a lead project coordinator, claimed that her job was going well until eight months into the job, a dispute took place between with her assistant manager over leaving work to pick up her daughter from school.

Ever since then, her work environment turned hostile.  She was able to transfer locations, however her home life took a turn for the worse, filing for divorce after 20 years of marriage.  She became clinically depressed and was prescribed anti-depressant pills with caused her to become forgetful, her main claim for forgetting to clock out and miscalculate her hours.  Even with a doctor’s note, FedEx still does not buy the claim and till today the woman has yet to return to work.

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