Sexual orientation discrimination submits as harassment or disparity based on someone’s gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or heterosexual orientation.  Many workplaces and even states have employment and labor laws against sexual discrimination.  The topic of LGBT rights has been a controversial one with mixed emotions throughout the country.  Whether it is a Los Angeles employment law attorney or Arkansas, it is important to check with your workplace policies for the sake of your rights.

Whether you live in a state that has employment laws against sexual orientation discrimination or not, many companies offer policies that prohibit sexual orientation discrimination.  According to an article from FindLaw, “by law, these policies can be more, but not less, stringent than the state or local law’s standards. So, if you live in Indiana, a state that protects public workers from sexual orientation discrimination, but not workers in the private sector, and you work for a public company, your company may have policies that protect against sexual orientation discrimination.”

Many of these policies include disciplinary steps forced on managers and other employees who partake in sexual orientation discrimination.  The policies can eliminate any discriminatory action taken against the employee or even disciplinary action against the manager or conflicting party.  If you have experienced sexual orientation discrimination be sure to check your state’s employment laws and or company’s policies.  If your employer does not follow such rules, contact your California employment lawyer immediately.

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